Towards SYnthia II: An Assessment of Design Strategies for Computer Assisted Learning of Sound Synthesis

Matthew S. Padden*, Michael Clarke*, Alan J. Dix+, Mark A. R. Kirby+

at time of publication Huddersfield University (*Department of Music, +School of Computing and Maths)

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Research has been carried out as part of an investigation into more efficient ways of teaching the principles of sound synthesis using Computer Assisted Learning (CAL). The research concentrates on the navigation methods used to access the teaching material. Emphasis is placed on active and communicative teaching methods, with the aim of encouraging self-structured, autonomous learning. Details of the testing procedure and projected results are given, together with descriptions of the program structure.

Keywords: Computer Assisted Learning, sound synthesis


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Full reference:
M. S. Padden, J. M. Clarke, A. J. Dix and M. A. R. Kirby (1996). Towards Synthia II: an assessment of design strategies for computer assisted learning in sound sythesis. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, San Francisco, 1996, pp. 214-215.


Alan Dix 5/10/2010