Exploring the PieTree for Representing Numerical Hierarchical Data

Richard O'Donnell, Alan Dix1 and Linden J. Ball 2
Computing Department1 and Psychology Department2, Lancaster University, UK
[ richard on the web ] [ alan on the web ] [ linden on the web ]

Paper at HCI2006, September 2006, London UK.

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This paper describes the first full implementation and evaluation of an area-based tree visualization known as the PieTree. The PieTree was first proposed in papers in 1998 and 2000 but has never been fully implemented and evaluated. Informal evaluation was used to enhance the usability of the PieTree and compare it with the more well-known TreeMap. A controlled experiment considered parallel views' effect on task performance time. There were substantial differences between kinds of tasks and in participants' styles of use. Whilst suggesting that further development of PieTrees is worthwhile the experiments underline the importance of careful task fit.

keywords: PieTree, information visualisation, TreeMap, TreeView, hierarchies, hierarchy visualisation, individual difference

Full reference:
R. O'Donnell, A. Dix and L. Ball (2006). Exploring the PieTree for Representing Numerical Hierarchical Data. Proceedings of Proceedings of HCI2006, People and Conputers XX - Engage. Springer. pp. 239-254.
Download draft paper (PDF, 360K)
related work on visualisation at: http://www.hcibook.com/alan/topics/vis/
related papers
A. Dix and G. Ellis (1998).
Starting Simple - adding value to static visualisation through simple interaction.
Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI98, Eds. T. Catarci, M. F. Costabile, G. Santucci and L. Tarantino. L'Aquila, Italy, ACM Press. pp. 124-134.
abstract, text and demos
A. Dix, R. Beale and A. Wood (2000).
Architectures to make Simple Visualisations using Simple Systems.
Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI2000, ACM Press, pp. 51-60.
abstract and paper


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  2. Bederson, B. B., Shneiderman, B. & Wattenberg, M. [2002]. Ordered and quantum treemaps: Making effective use of 2D space to display hierarchies. ACM Transactions of graphics 21 (4). ACM Press, 833-854.

  3. Bruls, M., Huizing, K. & van Wijk, J. J. [2000]. Squarified TreeMaps. Joint Eurographics and IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization. 33-42.

  4. Card, S. K., Mackinlay, J., C. & Shneiderman, B. [1999]. Readings in information visualisation. Using vision to think. Morgan Kaufmann.

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  9. Dix, A & Ellis, G. [1998]. Starting Simple - adding value to static visualisation through simple interaction. Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI98, Eds. T. Catarci, M. F. Costabile, G. Santucci and L. Tarantino. L'Aquila, Italy, ACM Press. 124-134.

  10. Dix, A. Beale, R. & Wood, A. [2000]. Architectures to make Simple Visualisations using Simple Systems. The working conference on advanced visual interfaces. ACM Press, 51-60.

  11. Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G. D., & Beale, R. [2004]. Human Computer Interaction (3rd Edn). Prentice Hall.

  12. Fiore, A. & Smith, M., A. [2001], TreeMap Visualizations of Newsgroups. Microsoft Research Technical Report. Redmond: Microsoft Research, Microsoft Corporation.

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  15. Johnson, B. & Shneiderman, B. [1991]. Treemaps a space filling approach to the visualization of hierarchical information structures. Proceedings of IEEE Visualization'91, IEEE. 275-282.


Figure 2: A fully exploded PieTree representing a hierarchical data structure



Alan Dix 13/5/2006