The Personal Information Environment beyond the Personal Computer

Alan Dix
Talis and Lancaster University

Keynote i-USEr 2011, Shah Alam and Subang Jaya, Malaysia, 30th Nov. 2011

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While at iUser I also ran a workshop on "Designing for User Experience (UX): Tools, Methods, and Challenges"
download workshop slides (PDF, 11.2Mb)

Full reference:
A. Dix (2011). The Personal Information Environment beyond the Personal Computer. Keynote i-USEr 2010, Shah Alam and Subang Jaya, 30th November 2011.
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The interface to personal computers has changed little in more than 30 years since the landmark Xerox Star. Beneath layers of metaphor for the user and window management system abstractions for the developer, there is a deep underlying model of disk + processing + screen & mouse/keyboard. While the mouse and physical keyboard have sometimes morphed into touch screen and soft keyboard, and network and cloud devices masquerade as local disks, the underlying model is unchanged. However, users have seen their personal information, which was previously fragmented one filing system, email, etc. further dispersed onto Flickr, cloud services and social networks. To some extent mobile platforms, iOS, Android, Windows ME, present a different model, but if anything often heavily fire-walled Apps further fragment the user experience. What might a personal information environment be like that took seriously the fact that the objects of interest to a user are photos and documents, not files stored on disks, jobs to be done not apps?


iUser2011 Keynote: The Personal Information Environment beyond the Personal Computer from Alan Dix


Alan Dix 16/11/2011