Rich analytics for the "flipped classroom"

Alan Dix
Talis and University of Birmingham

Talk at E-Learning Practitioner's Forum, University of Birmingham, 8th Jan 2015.

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Full reference:
A. Dix (2015). Rich analytics for the "flipped classroom". Talk at E-Learning Practitioner's Forum, University of Birmingham, 8th Jan 2015.
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HCI course at Interaction Design Foundation
Talis Lighthouse project
Alan Walks Wales

Example learning analytics
for Lighthouse resource


I ran an online course on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) early in 2013, and so this year have been using the videos produced for this as part of my face-to-face teaching on an UG/MSc course on Advanced HCI.  This has allowed me to use variants of 'flip classroom': some of the classroom slots have been more interactive (students brining in things which are then used as prompts), some used to give an additional more informal, and more integrative view of the topic introduced in videos, and some simply video and classroom mutually re-enforcing. This has been especially valuable as the students have mixed prior knowledge.  I used the Talis Player for the video and PDF resources as a pilot in the Talis Lighthouse programme. Because of this, for the first time during my teaching career, I have access to rich analytics of not just how many have watched material, but for how long and how far through ...and yes they haven't all watched everything!.

Keywords: e-learning, learning analytics, MOOC, human-computer interaction, flipped classroom



Alan Dix 17/1/2015