Designing for adoption and designing for appropriation

Alan Dix

Computing Department, Infolab21, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

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Talk given at University of Technology Berlin, 12 Feb 2008


Systems clearly need to be useful and usable on order to do a job for people and to do it easily. However if a system is wonderfully designed, fulfills a real need and would be a pleasure to use, it is still no good at all unless it is actually used.

I will discuss two aspects of getting systems or products actually used:

managing the path from no users to widespread use
designing systems that users can change to their own purposes.

Download slides of talk (PDF 163K)


Full reference:
A. Dix (2008). Designing for adoption and designing for appropriation. (unpublished) talk at at University of Technology Berlin, 12t Feb 2008. berlin-talk-feb-2008/
download slides of talk (PDF 163K)
draft section on designing for adoption (for next edition of HCI book)
eBulletin articles on pages about: lattice of value, marketplace ecology, network effects, websharer vision and other bulletins from when I was!
related paper:
A. Dix (2007).
Designing for Appropriation. In Procedings of BCS HCI 2007, People and Computers XXI, Volume 2, BCS eWiC
paper @ eWiC

Alan Dix 1/3/2008