Intelligent context-sensitive interactions on desktop and the web

Alan Dix1, Tiziana Catarci2, Benjamin Habegger2, Yannis Ioannidis3, Azrina Kamaruddin1, Akrivi Katifori3, Giorgos Lepouras3,4, Antonella Poggi2, Devina Ramduny-Ellis1

1Computing Department,
Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
2Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica,
Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy


3Department of Informatics & Telecommunications,
University of Athens, Athens, Hellas (Greece)
4Dept. of Computer Science and Technology,
University of Peloponnese, Tripolis, Hellas (Greece)

Paper at Context in Advanced Interfaces, workshop at AVI'2006, 23 May 2006, Venezia, ITALY.

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In this paper we describe briefly three systems: onCue a desktop internet-access toolbar, Snip!t a web-based bookmarking application and ontoPIM an ontology-based personal task-management system. These embody context issues to differing degrees, and we use them to exemplify more general issues concerning the use of contextual information in 'intelligent' interfaces. We look at issues relating to interaction and 'appropriate intelligence', at different types of context that arise and at architectural lessons we have learnt. We also highlight outstanding problems, in particular the need to computationally describe and communicate context where reasoning and inference is distributed.

keywords: Context, human computer interaction, natural interaction, user experience, dynamic interaction, intelligent interfaces

Full reference:
A. Dix, T. Catarci, B. Habegger, Y. Ioannidis, A. Kamaruddin, A. Katifori, G. Lepouras, A. Poggi, D. Ramduny-Ellis (2006). Intelligent context-sensitive interactions on desktop and the web. Proceedings of the international Workshop in Conjunction with AVI 2006 on Context in Advanced Interfaces (Venice, Italy, May 23, 2006). CAI '06. ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 23-27
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related papers
A. Dix, R. Beale and A. Wood (2000).
Architectures to make Simple Visualisations using Simple Systems.
Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI2000, ACM Press, pp. 51-60.
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  1. A. Dix, R. Beale and A. Wood (2000). Architectures to make Simple Visualisations using Simple Systems. Proceedings of. AVI2000, ACM Press, pp. 51-60.

  2. A. Dix (2002). beyond intention | pushing boundaries with incidental interaction. Proceedings of Building Bridges: Interdisciplinary Context-Sensitive Computing, Glasgow University, 9 Sept 2002.

  3. A. Faaborg and  H. Lieberman (2006). A Goal-Oriented Web Browser. Proceedings of CHI 2006. ACM Press. pp. 751-760

  4. V. Katifori, A. Poggi, M. Scannapieco, T. Catarci, and  Y. Ioannidis (2005). OntoPIM: how to rely on a personal ontology for Personal Information Management. In Proc. of the 1st Workshop on The Semantic Desktop.

  5. W. Hall (1997).  The History of the Microcosm Project.  University of Southampton.

  6. A. Dix and J. Marshall (2003). At the right time: when to sort web history and bookmarks. In Volume 1 of Proceedings of HCI International 2003. J. Jacko and C. Stephandis (ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003. pp. 758-762

  7. B. Nardi, J. Miller, and D. Wright (1998). Collaborative, Programmable Intelligent Agents, Communications of the ACM, March 1998. 41(3):96-104

  8. M. Pandit and S. Kalbag (1997). The selection recognition agent: Instant access to relevant information and operations. Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces '97. ACM Press. pp. 47-52

  9. J. Stylos, B. Myers and A. Faulring  (2004). Citrine: providing intelligent copy-and-paste. Proceedings of UIST'04.  ACM Press. pp. 185-188

  10. A. Wood, A. Dey and G. Abowd (1997). CyberDesk: Automated Integration of Desktop and Network Services. Technical Note in the Proceedings of 1997 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '97), pp. 552|-53.


Figure 1. onCue architecture


Figure 2. Snip!t in action
- actions for a post code

Alan Dix 13/5/2006