Children’s Phrase Set for Text Input Method Evaluations

Akiyo Kano, Janet C Read

Child Computer Interaction Group
University of Central Lancashire
Preston, UK
<ak on the web> <janet on the web>


Alan Dix

Computing Department, InfoLab21
Lancaster University
Lancaster, UK
<alan on the web>

Paper at NordiCHI 2006, 5-7 December 2007, Tirrenia, Pisa, ITALY.

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This paper investigates the suitability of current phrase sets available in HCI for use with children in text entry experiments. It first examines the use of phrase sets within text input method evaluation, and suggests several reasons why the currently available phrase sets may not be suitable for use with children. A new phrase set, containing 500 phrases which have been taken from children’s books, is presented. A study that compared the adult focused phrase set with the new children’s phrase set is described. This study concludes that the new phrase set is suitable for use with children and, given that results with the two phrase sets were similar, the study adds validity to the existing adult phrase set.

keywords: Phrase set, children, text entry, keyboard, evaluation

Full reference:
A. Kano, J.C. Read and A. Dix (2006). Children’s Phrase Set for Text Input Method Evaluations. In Proceedings of NordiChi 2006, the 4th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer interaction: Changing Roles (Oslo, Norway, October 14 - 18, 2006). A. Mørch, K. Morgan, T. Bratteteig, G. Ghosh, and D. Svanaes, Eds. NordiCHI '06, vol. 189. ACM Press, New York, NY, 449-452..
Download full paper (PDF, 167K)
ACM DOI: 10.1145/1182475.1182534


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Alan Dix 24/12/2007